The Horsepower Whisperer is a book!

Initial euphoria later gave way to a more critical appraisal of the end product

Here I am with my galley proof. It arrived yesterday and Becky of Redsnapper captured the moment in pixels.

Overall it looks fantastic. We'll have to re-submit because some minor things aren't quite right. I've already re-jigged the text matter. Word had re-formatted a paragraph with double spacing. It's clear that I can't trust it at all. I'll have to review every page of the pdf file before I re-submit.

Thanks to Beck the outside looks really good. In fact the back cover looks even better than the front, although you can't see it so you'll just have to take my word for it (but not my Microsoft Word!)

However, we have a cunning plan and a revised version is already in preparation.

It's just amazing to think that after months, years even, when my book wasn't even a collection of disparate files, I can now flick through its pages, sniff the glue (what a subtle perfume) and feel it in my hands.


  1. Great news Bob - a published author at last. Will it be on sale in shops like W H Smugg and Beerstones? What sort of Galley did the proof arrrive in? a trireme perhaps crewed by 36 beautiful vestal virgin galley slaves maybe!

    Pete Y
    emeritus prof of FE

  2. Thanks Pete. It's always good to hear from the dreamy spires of academia. The Horsepower Whisperer is not on general release yet but will be available for Christmas - that's this Christmas before you ask. And it's got a healthy dollop of FE - Ferro-Equinology.


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