Earlier photos of the Exeter Trial
And awwwaaaayyyy they go |
In reverse order, there was the CCM 604 of Geoff Westcott and Michelle Maidment. I seem to have taken one of them leaving as well. I am still getting used to the various modes on my digital camera.
In the middle is a Troll, a familiar enough car to me (I really like the colour) but I can't make out the number to determine the crew.
The one of the Imp smoking its tyres is, unfortunately, of Bill and Will Rosten coming to grief. Bill suffered a puncture and by the time he got past us the tyre was spinning on the rim. We had a quick word with him and he'd been doing well until then.
My biker mates Pete and John noticed Bill was wearing motorcycle boots. This caused no end of ribaldry because they know I like Imps and - I am sorry to say - that mention of The Flintstones was made and aspersions were cast.
Thanks to Mr Robinson-Collins who, with Dave Turner, was next in the running order to Bill and Will, I can now reveal that Bill is an ex-motorcycle racer who doesn't feel comfortable in anything else.
Bill Rosten's hugely successful trailing
Imp in the sunshine last year at Blue Hills on the Land's End
It's not really any consolation, but here's a picture of Bill's car parked at Blue Hills last year when he cleaned the section in style. I'm afraid you'll just have to take my word for it - I was too busy shouting to take a snap. I can get very excitable on these occasions.
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