New book cover for The Horsepower Whisperer

Here is the new book cover for The Horsepower Whisperer. It's much more colourful and carries a bigger punch, helped in part by Hob's knuckles gripping the steering wheel as he punches M Cadvare's personal transportation module off the page. The gremlin can see trouble up ahead and is doing a hornpipe in his panic. We can see what's ahead, too. If you look really closely you can make out a roadblock and a helicopter in the reflection of Hob's visor. Hob is about to fost through the roadblock, effectively leak into another set of dimensions in a parallel universe, but just before he does the Conformorians will activate the airbag in the steering wheel. For what happens next you'll just have to read the book.

It's a big relief to have got to this stage. Time will tell whether this cover design has more shelf appeal than the old one. I still need to upload this image onto Amazon and it will take a few days for books looking like this to be available so if you're quick you might end up with the earlier design, which will shortly become a collector's item - as I keep saying.

But I feel I can now move on to the next stage in my publishing adventure. There's the small matter of publicity to tackle and a new video for Youtube. Then there are e-books and MP3s of me reading from The Horsepower Whisperer. I haven't updated my website with the long awaited Forthcoming Attractions yet, either. There'll be many changes in the next few months but now that I have a cover image that satisfies mt scrutiny I no longer feel distracted by a feeling that I could have done better.


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