Goodwood Breakfast Club
The theme for that day's Breakfast Club was Everything but the car so what did we turn up in but my trusty old van (VT No.44). It still felt subversive to be there because there were so many smarter vehicles but Citroen C15Ds of this vintage are getting rarer. It didn't look so out of place as you might think parked against a Mimi pickup, even if said Mini pickup was immaculate and probably the result of an expensive restoration. A few cars had slipped in under the net but most of the exhibits were motorcycles with the occasional trike and a few commercial vehicles.
Of course, the clutch is too heavy and the seat diabolical to sit on even if it looks great. But I've never actually ridden one so these legends about Moto Guzzis have never detracted from the bike's appeal. It looks great and I am prepared to keep an open mind about such things until then. I suspect it would be a blast to ride.
But I like the way it looks.
All that mouth watering machinery almost made me forget how hungry I was.
Other nationalities have cuisine, the English have full breakfasts. And splendid table cloths.

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