The Stranglers in Fowey

Me and my gang of punk rock mates got our act together to get tickets for The Stranglers in Fowey on Friday. We were very lucky to get tickets - being very quick off the mark helped here - but imagine our dismay when we found it was seated. And imagine my mate Gary's face when he was told he couldn't take his drink in.

After a lot of energetic fidgeting during the first few numbers Dave couldn't bear it.

"I can't stand sitting down!" he said and everyone in our row had to stand up to let him go down the front where, on the right hand side, some people had lost their inhibitions and were already on their hindlegs. I grabbed my chance and followed Dave to a gap in the seats just before they rose in tiers. And that's where we stayed until we were joined by the others for No More Heroes.

The sound was crystal clear and the band were full of the usual brooding menace spread thinly over ill-disguised enjoyment at playing for such an "up-for-it" crowd.

"Stand up!" someone shouted at the audience. "Come on Cornwall!"

"He left years ago!" hollered someone else.

Everyone had a great time, even those who somehow managed to stay seated. The house lights showed how much they were grinning at the end. Can The Stranglers whiten teeth? Yes they can!

Last word has to go to my mum, bless her. I told her I was seeing The Stranglers in Fowey as part of the Du Maurier Festival and she said, "The Stranglers? I don't think I've read that one."


  1. "I can't stand sitting down!" - very difficult, I tried and couldn't do it - my feet and bum had an argument!. Can you perform this feat (or should that be feet)?

  2. The only solution if you can't stand sitting down is to get up and get down.

    At one point, someone shouted out, "Where's the dance floor?" and Baz Horne replied "In ya head!"


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