Vintage Thing No.78 - Pinto powered Imp

At a holding control on the 1999 Land's End Trial. Note Siva Llama in the background
This car resembles VT No.49 in many ways but has a Ford Pinto engine. Listed as a 2-litre in the entry for the 1999 Land's End Trial, it was built by built by Martin Harry to be driven by his wife Julia and boy did she give it some stick! It proved to be very effective and impressed me when taking my Siva Llama out for the first time.

I don't know it's constructional details as we were running late and pushed for time when we eventually caught up with it. I have a feeling a Beetle gearbox was used and someone told me it also used Beetle rear suspension.

Not seen on the hills for a while, I believe it stills exists way down Camborne way and will one day take to the hills again.


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