The Undertones in Plymouth

The Undertones played in The White Rabbit at Plymouth Bus Station on 9th April and it was a great gig in a very intimate venue. I was there with my little gang of south west punk rock enthusiasts and this was just the kind of show we enjoy. The crowd were a great bunch, too, and produced the oldest crowd surfer that I have seen to date. I hope that record only stands to be broken.

Er, it wasn't me, although I did fall over in the mosh pit and lost a shoe for a couple of numbers. Good job I had the indestructible socks on.

Doyle and The Fourfathers. For once I think the music press might know what they're talking about
Support was provided by Doyle and The Fourfathers who are widely tipped for greater things. It's difficult to give a band like this a proper appreciation when you don't know their songs, don't listen to the radio because it only plays crap and the main acts tunes have become hard wired into your brain after so many years but I liked these guys and have added them to my Amazon basket (awaiting me finishing listening to the CDs and downloads I already have - it's a kind of resolution, not even a New Year's thing).

Anyway I rate them and recommend you check 'em out.

Intrigued? So were we. The Undertones and Doyle & The Fourfathers enter The Twilight Zone.
A strange old black and white sci-fi horror film played throughout the nite and this intrigued me because I didn't recognise it. We later discovered it was Children of Spider County, an episode from The Twilight Zone and although we couldn't hear the sound it added to the arts club, underground, B-movie atmosphere.

It was a gig for the indulgent connoisseur so we were particularly indulgent.

The Undertones always seem to be enjoying themselves with lively banter between the band members. Last time they played in Plymouth the drummer was ill and they had a stand in but he was in good health and form for this show. They also said how much they appreciated the highly appreciative audience, which was - highly appreciated really. There didn't seem to be so many youngsters as at the SLF gig in Bristol so we were mostly about the same age and it was just one big party. Besides myself there were quite a few fallers - it was slippery in there - but it was good sport hoicking each other up and laughing at the mishaps of like-minded strangers.

They played their first album as well as their hits including their You thrill me all the time the song that prompted the late and great John Peel to say, "I can't tell you how much it pleases me to say this but here's the new single from The Undertones."

My favourite remains Over You. It's so simple but, just like I fought the law, quite difficult to play well. or at the very least play it the way it should be played.


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