Christmas means it's nearly the Exeter Trial

It probably won't be as sunny as it was on the 2015 LET
I am just getting into the Christmas spirit. It's a time of year when you can connect with perfect strangers by simply wishing them a Merry Christmas.

And then it'll be Happy New Year, which has always struck me as an odd cause for celebration as there's nothing to stop you celebrating the time at any point in the year (old or new). It's still a good excuse for a party.

But then there's the Exeter Trial. I SAID AND THEN THERE'S THE EXETER TRIAL!

Sorry - I'm getting  a bit shouty becasue the Candidi Provocatores are in the 2016 Exeter Trial and starters from Popham Airfield are not bringing up the rear this year - we're running towards the front of the pack for cars at Number 109 so your brave boys Binky and Ginger will be pretending we're flying a Messerschmidt.

It'll be interesting to see if the sections are easier or more difficult than they were running as tail-end-Charlies - not that we're getting our excuses ready.

Say Allard!


  1. Good luck, guys. Wish l could get down to the South-West for this bash.

    1. Thanks Tim. I think we are connected on Google now. I will report back as usual. maybe you will find yourself down this way for the Hand's End?

    2. Looking forward to hearing the feedback, Bob. Google+ on my HTC is proving a nightmare for me, so I'm sticking to the laptop for these comms. Busy wiring in the indicators on my Special. Is your pilot in the Allard OC?

    3. Binky is Rob Robinson-Collins and is deffo in the Allard OC. An update on the Exeter will appear shortly

    4. Just seen your report about the snapped half-shaft on KLD. What a pity! Just a thought and I'm sure Binky knows this - but it's always best to renew half-shafts in a pair; if one let's go and you renew that side, then v. often the other side will cry enough shortly after, exposed to comparative stresses by the new, fit one... Looking forward to reading the full saga of the Exeter.

    5. Thanks for the advice Tim. I am pretty sure Binky said he'd found a nice pair (oo, er, missus). I await the call to get oily and fit them dreckly (good Cornish word)

  2. Bob, Please tell me you are going to have a GoPro camera mounted on the car!
    Cheers, Colin:

  3. Colin - we don't! But a number of people have suggested we could sell the soundtrack of our climbs. I will suggest this to Binky - there might be time yet. Are you any relation of Mike Warnes of Exmouth who trials a TR7?


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