Vintage Thing No.120.1 - the Reliant Rialtopless

In their gleaming red barchetta (apologies to Rush fans) George Osborn and Celia Walton wait in the queue for Tillerton Steep.
In floods that were at times of biblical properotions, I renewed ,my acquaintance with the Reliant Riatopless of George Osborn (Monster Raving Looney Party) and Celia Walton (madam editor of Triple, the magazine of the Motor Cycling Club).

After a brief and highly successful flirtation with a Proton Satria Sport, George went back to his highly modified Reliant for the 2015 Edinburgh. However, he managed to buckle the front suspension arm on that event and came home thinking on how to improve his chances.

He fitted a 13 inch front wheel and made a new front suspension arm.

A new much stronger suspension arm was called for after 2015 Edinburgh Trial

When we saw him at the foot of Tillerton Steep, he was quite pleased with his modifications and it looks like the Rialtopless has gained a new lease of life. It still has the standard 848cc Reliant powertrain but is much lighter than standard because of the stripping out and removal of windows.

The bigger front wheel doesn't fall into the holes so much and it would be interesting to see how it performs with 13 inch rear wheels although that would make the gearing a lot taller.

No doubt there will be further developments of this Class E 3 wheeler that keeps alive the memory of such vehicles as the Old Spot Piglet and John Beaumont's Mini-powered Reliant.

It look almost amphibious to me, with its upturned bath tub demeanour and so long as Celia could keep bailing it out, I dare say it would have floated very well if water levels had risen any greater.


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