Firedrake Files No.13.1 - Mr Solway's Clayton & Shuttleworth

I was looking for something else the other day and this 21st Anniversary programme for the West of England steam rally turned up. I had no idea I had it still. Flicking through it, some interesting info about Firedrake No.13 came to light. 

My original post about this engine raised a few questions. having visited Dorothy in the Shuttleworth Collection, I found myself wondering about the identity of the "parts" engine. Originally, Dennis Solway was going to use Clayton & Shuttleworth 46817 as a source of parts for another engine but he relented on discovering this locomotive was in better condition than his first one. 

Here was the entry for the late Mr Solway's engine.

I found this quite by chance

So it was Clayton & Shuttleworth 48656 that surrendered its parts so 46817 could steam again.

Had it survived despite this unselfish act?

Yes! Clayton & Shuttleworth 48656 is listed in my Traction Engine Register. A quick check on the web revealed two interesting photos one of a showman's road loco and more recent ones of a more workmanlike engine.

I now look forward to making the acquaintance of this engine at a rally somewhere soon.

Earlier this summer, I bought a book at the West of England Steam Engine Society Show at Stithians. Published by WESES, this has a picture of Mr Solway's engine as a roller but you'll just have to buy the book to see it.

If that's not enough incentive, there are photos of the twin engine to Mclaren ploughing engine Hero (Firedrake No.11), before it was cut up.

This book is full of wonderful old photos of West of England engines, some of which escaped preservation 


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