Self-publishing seminar - June 14th
The self–publishing seminar at Falmouth Maritime Museum on went very well. It was organised by Paul Sullivan, Business Fellow Professional Writing at University college Falmouth , and Andy Thatcher of The Writing Centre, an online Cornish writing community. We met up beforehand at the café tables outside The Shed on the plaza opposite the museum I was introduced to my fellow self–publishers Michael Moore and Paul Newman and two representatives from Lulu, Lucie Pereira and Sophie Bond.
In the pre–event discussion it was clear how extensive the self–publishing revolution is becoming. Lucie had even organised a get together in Falmouth for the following night where self–publishing writers could meet up, share best practice and network. The numbers of self–publishing writers in Cornwall are well into double figures and that is just with Lulu. Add those who have already self–published and the fifty or so people in the audience that night and it all points to a huge grass roots movement.
The seminar started with a very interesting presentation by the ladies from Lulu. Lucie described the European operation for which she is responsible and Sophie explained about her role in Global Fulfilment and how the ISBN system worked. After a break during which there was a good deal of mingling and networking all round, we had a round table discussion on our experiences of self–publishing. This flew by for me and it was particularly interesting to hear what concerned would be self–publishers. I was also struck by how easy it is to self–publish. Self promotion is the tricky bit but there was ample evidence that we are getting better it.
Although I was a participant, I felt I learnt a lot. It’s always interesting to meet other creative individuals and Cornwall seems to be full of them. I just wish I’d taken my camera so I can illustrate this blog.
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