Why hard times are important for the internet

Somebody was asking me today about my books and how they were selling. I said that recently sales have dropped off significantly and told her that some of my self publishing acquaintances are actually mothballing some of their projects until the economy pick up.

As soon as I'd opened my mouth to explain this I realised that this was entirely the wrong approach - mothballing book projects, not opening my mouth (although some may beg to differ).

The internet is a cheap form of entertainment for many people and if I can entertain them for free now (free podcasts coming up soon, folks!) then that will probably build up my goodwill - well, their goodwill towards me will be built up.

Dreckly (there's a beautiful Cornish word) they will take the plunge and buy my book(s). It all comes back to the rule of seven - impinge on your customers awareness to motivate them to buy your goods or services.

So mothballing now is entirely the wrong thing to do. If the competition for people's attention is weakened now, there is an opportunity to get me, my brand and my books much better known as surfers search the net for something interesting because they can't afford more expensive forms of entertainment.

And if you are selling some sort of escapism from the grim realities of 21st century living - as I am - the they are more likely to take notice, too

This is a big guess but when it comes to mothballing or not mothballing, guess which one I'm going to do?


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