The Rocker Covers are All Revved Up

Regular followers may remember I saw The Creepshow at the White Rabbit last year. One of their support bands was The Rocker Covers, a trio of automotively literate songsmiths who makeover pop hits to devise the most happily subversive covers of songs you might know. Some might be favourites given The Rocker Cover treatment and others might be on your most hated list that have also been given a similar work over to become simply brilliant!

I am assured Poker Face is a Lady Gaga hit but am more familiar with The Rocker Covers version. I know - I have so much street cred.

But listen to the way it starts off! That's from Brand New Cadillac by The Clash! (Except theirs was a cover version of some old bloke...)

The point is, some versions can't be beat and are the ones you carry with you as your favourite.

That's happened to me and so many of these songs on Revved Up.

There are so many songs I think would benefit from The Rocker Cover's treatment. I could do quite a list. And intriguingly they played some songs that night at The White Rabbit that aren't on here.

Because (whisper it) another album is out later this year...


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