Vintage Thing No.141 - Supercharged 2CV6

Looks quite innocent don't it?
Many people remember the turbocharged 2CV that Car magazine featured back in the eighties. It famously caught fire but showed what could be achieved in squeezing out more power from these little engines.

This supercharged 2CV6 belongs to Alan Mills and although he didn't build it, he's still developing it.

The exhaust note was a bit of a give away. It had a much harder edge to it and the ends of the pipes looked like blow-off valves.

Behind the standard headlamp bar is the cover for the belt drive to the supercharger. You can just see the little blower under the carb. Those are tool boxes either side of the wheel to maximise traction and that front bumper is a roll of lead.
The supercharger fits on top of the engine and is driven by a belt behind the standard cooling fan. It's a shortened Roots blower and sits under a down draught carb.

Not a great shot but we were about to climb Crackington on the 2015 LET

The clever stuff extends to the suspension which features open spring canisters and more adjustment. I don't know how he got on and rumour has it that he retired from the trial but I reckon that without the added ballast this could be an absolute blast as a road car.


  1. He retired from the trial when he ran out of brakes and crashed!


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